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Blog advice!

It's not difficult to start a blog today, the difficulty is making it interesting. Here is some advice from the GIRLIE MOTORCYCLE BLOG on why and how to do that; MOTORCYCLE BLOGGERS ARE THE SEXIEST BLOGGERS. I wish I had started a blog, or a serious blog earlier when I was also competing full time in enduros. Wait. There were no blogs back then .

Of course I really wish I had started a blog when I was "retired" from competing in enduros and doing more dual sport and recreational rides. That was when i actually did try and do some blogging but really it was just when APPLE computers were producing and marketing software for the masses to be able to share more online, more easily, and I still wasn't using Wordpress or even MacJounal.

So if you have ever wanted to start a blog, it is easier than ever, and of course you could also include podcasting within it, etc., so don't wait. Just dive in. And if you find it frustrating, search the internet and you can find lots of helpful information to solve any problems.

For even more well crafted and always entertaining stories visit the GIRLIE MOTORCYCLE BLOG or visit my MotoBlogs page for other motorcycle blogs and then try starting a blog yourself.